Hi truth_b_known! For what it's worth, I agree that parents must be held responsible to financially support any children they may have, whether that means that both are employed or just one is and the other stays home with the children. I believe it is wrong to have deliberately have children you cannot provided for, and it is dishonorable to not make every effort to provide for your children, regardless of the circumstances.
That said, I would bet that the number of those who have never masturbated in extremely small, probably a tiny fraction of a percent. And once you try it, it's practically impossible to never do it again. So the WT's estimation of those who have masturbated is probably quite low. And active JWs are no exception. They just don't admit it.
I also agree with the majority of the other commenters. Masturbation is not even mentioned in the Bible, even though other very personal matters such as ejaculation (in within marriage) and menstruation were mentioned and regulated repeatedly. The account of the death of Onan has nothing whatsoever to do with masturbation or even birth control. It has to do with his grossly violating the intent of the brother-in-law marriage arrangement. This is just another example of the way organized religions twist scriptural accounts and take them out of context as a premise to control every aspect of their followers' lives.